
Fellows 2006

Fellows 2006


  • John Andrews, University of Colorado, Boulder, "For seminal contributions to the Quaternary history of North America and the North Atlantic Basin."
  • Tommy Dickey, University of California, Santa Barbara, "For the development, scientific application, and promotion of novel interdisciplinary observing systems for the ocean sciences.
  • "Philip Liu, Cornell University, "For his contributions to the advancement of coastal ocean science in research, education and professional leadership, including the development of nonlinear and breaking wave theories, tsunami models, sediment transport models, and for his international leadership in the application of these skills to understanding the impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami event."
  • Billy Moore, University of South Carolina, "For innovative development and application of natural radionuclides as tracers of geochemical processes in the ocean and at the land/ocean boundary."
  • Paul Quay, University of Washington, "For outstanding research in the use of stable isotopes to study natural and man-made fluxes of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen through marine, atmosphere and freshwater systems."
  • Paola Malanotte Rizzoli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "For fundamental contributions to advancing our understanding of ocean circulation and air-sea interaction through merging observations and models."
  • Peter A. Rona, Rutgers University, "For expanding the scope of seafloor hydrothermal research from regional to global by leading the exploration and discovery of the first black smoker hydrothermal vents, massive sulfide deposits, and vent biota in the Atlantic, and for sustained pioneering advances in marine geology and geophysics through exploration, instrumentation development, international collaboration and educational outreach."
  • Lynne Talley, University of California, San Diego, "For elucidating the dynamics, distribution and influences of intermediate waters throughout the world's oceans."
  • Bob Thunell, University of South Carolina, "For his groundbreaking work in the development of novel paleoceanographic approaches and tracers, his innovative application of these tracers to elucidate past global climate change and for his leadership in paleoceanography and oceanography."