
Fellows 2005


  • Robert F. Anderson, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, "For being master of the application of the element uranium and its daughter isotopes to problems in marine geochemistry."
  • Ken W. Bruland, University of California, Santa Cruz, "For his exceptional contributions towards understanding ocean particle fluxes and biogeochemical cycles of trace elements."
  • E. C. Carmack, Institute of Ocean Sciences, "For extraordinary creativity and breadth in advancing oceanography and limnology, and for tireless service to his colleagues and their science."
  • S. Krishnaswami, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura (with Biogeochemistry) "For developing robust chronological methods to date lacustrine sediments and nodules, for pioneering studies on particle dynamics and scavenging processes in the oceans and on retardation of nuclide movement in sub-surface waters, and for quantifying silicate-carbonate weathering in the Himalaya."
  • Devendra Lal, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (with VGP) "For the innovative and imaginative application of cosmogenic nuclides to the study of Earth and cosmic processes."
  • François M. M. Morel, Princeton University, (with Biogeochemistry) "For his studies of the trace metal chemistry of natural waters, the interaction of trace metal chemistry with the ocean biota, and the effects of these interactions on global biogeochemistry."
  • Michael Sarnthein, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Kiel, (with Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology) " For major contributions towards understanding the Quaternary ocean and climate change and towards the field of paleoceanography."
  • John R. Toggweiler, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, "For his fundamental contributions to our understanding of the ocean thermohaline circulation and the role of the ocean in glacial-interglacial climate change."
  • Jürgen Willebrand, IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institute für Meereswissenschaften, "For his fundamental contributions to our understanding of the ocean's role in climate."