Scientific Organizing Committee:
Greg Wessel
Geology in the Public Interest
Jeff Greenberg
Wheaton College
Brooks Hanson
American Geophysical Union
Mark Shimamoto
American Geophysical Union
Antonio Arribas
Akita University
Özlem Adiyaman Lopes
Nic Bilham
Geological Society of London
Amel Barich
International Union of Geological Sciences
Florence Bullough
Geological Society of London
Annika Burstrom
Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Sarah Caven
University of British Columbia
Kalpana Chaudhari
Institute For Sustainable Development & Research, India
Vincent Cronin
International Association for Promoting Geoethics
Gabriel Filippelli
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Joel Gill
British Geological Survey / Geology for Global Development
Russell Harmon
Geology in the Public Interest
Gabriela Knesel
Geology in the Public Interest
Victor Labson
United States Geological Survey
Daniel Lebel
Geological Survey of Canada
Juan Lucena
Colorado School of Mines
Ben Mandler
American Geosciences Institute
Vicki McConnell
Geological Society of America
Patrick McKeever
Hazel Napier
British Geological Survey
Kevin Noone
Stockholm University
Raj Pandya
American Geophysical Union
Beth Reddy
Colorado School of Mines
Gary Robbins
University of Connecticut
Heidi Roop
University of Washington
Lexi Shultz
American Geophysical Union
Alex Steely
Washington Department of Natural Resources Washington
Natasha Udu-gama
American Geophysical Union
Erika Veidis
Planetary Health Alliance
Kasey White
Geological Society of America
AGU Meetings Department Leadership
Judy Dalie
American Geophysical Union
Lauren Parr
American Geophysical Union