The latest numbers show that there are currently over 3500 total Section members of which 1473 are primarily affiliated with the AGU Cryosphere Section. Don’t forget to declare “Cryosphere” as your primary scientific interest!
President: Bob HawleyDartmouth University
President Elect: Asa RennermalmRutgers University
Past President: Michele KoppesUniversity of British Columbia
Secretary: Lauren MillerUniversity of Virginia
Chair: Luke TruselPenn State
Co-chair: Joanna CareyBabson College
Chair: Dusty SchroederStanford University
Chair: Asa RennermalmRutgers University
Chair: Marco TedescoUniversity of Colorado
Chair: Emilio MateoAspen Global Change Institute
Liaison to Section Leadership: Gifford WongClean Energy Leadership Fellow, IDA Science & Technology Policy Institute, Washington, DC.
Liaison to Education: Joanna CareyBabson College
EOS Science Advisor for Cryosphere: Michalea KingUniversity of Washington
Liaison to Hydrology: Jeff DeemsNational Snow and Ice Data Center
Flash Freeze Coordinator: Ryan Webb
University of Wyoming
Social Media Chair: Nicole LoebUniversity of Manitoba
Website: Michalea King
University of Washington
Early Career Representative: Emilio MateoAspen Global Change Institute
Early Career Representative: Michalea KingUniversity of Washington
Student Representative: Sarah EsentherBrown University
Student Representative: Nicole LoebUniversity of Manitoba
Bylaws document
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