
Annual Report

2008 Annual Report This is our first annual report that describes some of the history of our formation and summarizes activities over the past 2+ years. As of September 2008 the Near Surface section has grown to a total membership of 2210, with 538 of those selecting NS as their primary affiliation.

(As of July 2011, AGU NS Membership has grown to 2591, with 740 members selecting NS as their primary affiliation)

The Purpose of the Near-Surface Geophysics Section

NS was created to provide a home for those people who describe themselves as near-surface geophysicists: studying and advancing the use of geophysics for near-surface applications. The formation of NS thus addresses two needs:

  1. fosters communication within the NS geophysics community, the primary goal being to advance the science of NS geophysics as an end it itself;
  2. promotes the awareness of NS in other fields and advances the use of NS where the primary science goals/questions are in other areas of science.

Near-surface applications addressed by NS researchers include, but are not limited to, studies in archaeology, biogeochemistry, coastal processes and climate change, ecology, hydrology, tectonics, volcanology. A full description of the section is given in the following article in EOS: Slater, L., Knight, R., Singha, K., Binley, A., and Atekwana, E., Near-Surface Geophysics: A New Section, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(25), 249, 2006.

To join this Section, log into your account at AGU, select to update your “Profile” and choose “Near Surface Geophysics” as your primary “Area of Scientific Interest”.

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