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2022 Frontiers in Hydrology AGU Program Chairs Selected


It is with great pleasure to announce to the Section that Bart Nijssen from the University of Washington and Alex Mayer from the University of Texas at El Paso have been selected to serve as the 2022 Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting Co-Chair and Vice Co-Chair, respectively. The AGU Council Leadership Team approved the recommendation from the Search Committee and the work now begins! Both Bart and Alex bring outstanding energy, skills and leadership to the team, and will join Jared Bales and Jeanne VanBriesen from CUAHSI to form the Program Committee and lead the scientific planning efforts.  We will be announcing the Early Career and Student representatives shortly as well.


The 2022 Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting (FIHM) is currently scheduled for June 19-24, 2022 and we are in the process of finalizing negotiations with the host city.  You will be hearing more about the meeting in near future, and we will be holding Town Hall at the 2022 Fall Meeting to describe the meeting planning and to gather your creative ideas.


Thanks to all who applied for the positions; the search committee had an outstanding pool of candidates to consider and the Section appreciates the commitment and volunteer spirit that is the Hydrology Section!

