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Fall 2020 Annual Meeting will be Primarily Virtual


Dear Hydrology Section Members,

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the AGU Board of Directors voted earlier this week to hold the 2020 Fall meeting as a primarily "Virtual" meeting ( We in the Section had already been planning for this possibility, and are working on creative plans for our sessions, Town Halls and workshops. We do plan to host both our Langbein and Witherspoon Lectures, and offer these across multiple time zones to make it a great experience for all of our members. We will also be recognizing our award winners and our outstanding students and hope to try some new things as well.

While it may be disappointing, the safety of our members and their families is most important. Meeting virtually also gives us the opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint, and learn how to do this in a way that enhances our scientific exchange. Over the next few months, we will be working with AGU, our Fall Meeting Planning Committee and our Section Technical Committees to build a great meeting, and I encourage you to send us your ideas and concepts for creative ways to enhance the meeting. All ideas are welcome!!!

Scott Tyler
President, AGU Hydrology Section
