Bridges to the Future Program


Contribute to Tom's Bridges to the Future Fund Here! 

*Please designate your gift to Hydrology Bridge to the Future Fund and make this gift in honor or memory of Thomas Meixner. 

Thomas Meixner

Making the world better through biogeochemistry. 

If you asked Professor Thomas Meixner what motivated his research you were almost certain to hear “Making the world better through biogeochemistry”. A quick perusal of Tom’s interdisciplinary contributions demonstrates the numerous ways he met that goal, but these highly-cited papers, reports, projects, and presentations are but a small part of his contributions. Tom is remembered primarily for his unselfish and unwavering commitment to “Making the world better through service to others”. Tom was known for his untiring efforts to train students to be excellent scientists, bolster those not well represented in our community, develop a culture of collaboration, respect, and fairness, and challenge us all, through words and actions, to be better people. Tom’s mentoring contributions were legendary with an unmatched ability to challenge his students to perform their best while also knowing they were valued and respected. A natural leader, he demanded no less from his colleagues. He did all of this with remarkable determination, a smile, and kindness that came from his heart.

Read full biosketch here

  Tributes to Tom


I was lucky to know Tom. By a quirk of fate, I met Tom in an airport as we were both heading to interviews that led to our first faculty jobs. After five minutes I felt like I already knew him. Over the next 25 years I learned that there was too much to him to have known that quickly. And yet, the core of who Tom was never changed in my eyes from that first meeting. Tom was intelligent - but that isn't much of a standout quality among researchers. What made Tom truly special was his generosity. He was generous with ideas. Generous in his assessments of people. Generous with his time. And generous with his capacity to care about the whole student - their academic progress, their future success, and their development as people under his watch. Whenever I think of Tom I see his big, open grin. He was a good friend, a great colleague, and a very special human being.

– Ty Ferre


Submit memories to Tom.
(words and photos are welcomed)