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Paul A. Witherspoon (1919-2012)


Paul A. Witherspoon was a dynamic and influential leader in hydrologic sciences and an inspiring mentor and lifelong friend to many students and colleagues. He was born on 9 February 1919, in Dormont, Pennsylvania, and his early experiences in visiting underground coal mines with his civil engineer father had a direct and lasting influence on his choice of career. After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh in 1941 with a B.S. in petroleum engineering, he worked for 8 years for the Phillips Petroleum Company before returning to graduate school in 1951 to pursue an M.Sc. in petroleum engineering physics at the University of Kansas. He then accepted a position as head of the petroleum engineering division of the Illinois State Geological Survey in Champaign and pursued a Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign at the same time.

Witherspoon had a seminal influence on the development of ideas and methodologies related to the hydrogeology of fractured rocks, the role of aquitards in hydrogeological systems, and the thermohydrologic and hydromechanical couplings in geothermal systems and nuclear waste isolation. In 1977, working from his faculty position at the University of California, Berkeley, Witherspoon initiated and organized the Earth Sciences Division (ESD) of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), served as its first director, and contributed to making it one of the most prestigious Earth sciences institutes in the world on environmental sciences, climate sciences, and subsurface energy resources.

Witherspoon was widely honored for his work. He was awarded the Horton Medal from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and both the Meinzer Award and the Distinguished Service Award from the Geological Society of America. He was elected in 1989 to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, in 1992 as a Foreign Member to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and in 2001 as a Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation.

In 2015, AGU established the Paul A. Witherspoon Lecture in Hydrologic Sciences. The award is intended to promote and reward excellence and outstanding achievements by a midcareer scientist (within 10 to 20 years postdoctoral) in advancing the field of hydrologic sciences.


Freeze, R. A., I. Javandel and S. P. Neuman, (2012), Paul A. Witherspoon (1919–2012), Eos Trans. AGU, 93(31), 304. [PDF]


***Please send your suggestions, additions, and corrections to Efi Foufoula-Georgiou.*** 

List of Publications

  1. Ray, B. R., P. A. Witherspoon, and R. E. Grim (1957), A study of the colloidal characteristics of petroleum using the ultracentrifuge, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 61(10), 1296-1302. [LINK]
  2. Brenneman, M. C., G. G. Wanless, and P. A. Witherspoon (1958), Effect of ultracentrifugation on crude oil, Preprints, 3(4), 69.
  3. Saraf, D. N., P. A. Witherspoon, and L. H. Cohen (1963), Diffusion coefficients of hydrocarbons in water: Method for measuring, Science, 142(3594), 955-956. [LINK]
  4. Witherspoon, P. A., and D. N. Saraf (1965), Diffusion of methane, ethane, propane, and n-butane in water from 25 to 43 degrees, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 69(11), 3752-3755. [LINK]
  5. Freeze, R. A., and P. A. Witherspoon (1966), Theoretical analysis of regional groundwater flow: 1. Analytical and numerical solutions to the mathematical model, Water Resour. Res., 2(4), 641–656. [PDF]
  6. Freeze, R. A., and P. A. Witherspoon (1967), Theoretical analysis of regional groundwater flow: 2. Effect of water-table configuration and subsurface permeability variation, Water Resour. Res., 3(2),623–634. [PDF]
  7. Freeze, R. A., and P. A. Witherspoon (1968), Theoretical Analysis of Regional Ground Water Flow: 3. Quantitative InterpretationsWater Resour. Res.4(3), 581590. [PDF]
  8. Bonoli, L., and P. A. Witherspoon (1968), Diffusion of aromatic and cycloparaffin hydrocarbons in water from 2 to 60 degrees, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 72(7), 2532-2534. [LINK]
  9. Neuman, S. P., and P. A. Witherspoon (1970), Variational Principles for Confined and Unconfined Flow of Ground Water, Water Resour. Res., 6(5), 1376-1382. [PDF]
  10. Neuman, S. P., and P. A. Witherspoon (1970), Finite Element Method of Analyzing Steady Seepage with a Free Surface, Water Resour. Res., 6(3), 889-897. [PDF]
  11. Neuman, S. P., and P. A. Witherspoon (1970), Comments on “A Correspondence Principle for the Theory of Leaky Aquifers” by Ismael Herrera and Germain E. Figueroa V, Water Resour. Res., 6(3), 1009-1010. [PDF]
  12. Gringarten, A. C., and P. A. Witherspoon (1971), A Method Of Analyzing Pump Test Data From Fractured Aquifers, Proceedings Symposium Percolation Through Fissured Rock, International Society for Rock Mechanics and International Association of Engineering Geology, September 18-19, 1971, 9 pp. [PDF]
  13. Noorishad, J., P. A. Witherspoon, and Y. N. T. Maini (1972), Influence Of Fluid Injection On The State Of Stress In The Earth's Crust, 11 pp.
  14. Brekke, T. L., P. A. Witherspoon, Y. N. T. Maini, and J. Norrishad (1972), Coupled Stress And Flow Analysis Of Fractured Dam Foundations And Rock Slopes, 8 pp.
  15. Gringarten, A. C., and P. A. Witherspoon (1973), Extraction of heat from multiple-fractured dry hot rock, Geothermics, 2(3-4), 119-122. [LINK]
  16. Mitchell, J. K., J. A. Greenberg, and P. A. Witherspoon (1973), Chemico-Osmotic Effects In Fine-Grained Soils, J Soil Mechanics Foundation Division, 99, 307-322.
  17. Witherspoon, P. A., and T. N. Narasimhan (1974), Seepage From Recharge And Landfill Ditches, 39-66.
  18. Wilson, C. R., and P. A. Witherspoon (1974), Steady state flow in rigid networks of fractures, Water Resour. Res., 10(2), 328-335. [PDF]
  19. Gale, J. E., R. L. Taylor, P. A. Witherspoon, and M. S. Ayatollahi (1974), Flow In Rocks With Deformable Fractures, 583-598.
  20. Newmark, N. M., J. D. Achenbach, A. M. Abo-Zena, P. G. Richards, P. A. Witherspoon, Y. N. T. Maini, T. Terashima, R. F. Yerkes, T. L. Youd, J. N. Alt, V. Schenk, J. H. Dieterich, and D. M. Boore (1974), World Conference On Earthquake Engineering, 5th Proceedings, 1973, 3013 pp.
  21. Witherspoon, P. A., U. Lindblom, C. O. Morfeldt, and I. Janelid (1975), Man-Made Caverns Can Add To U. S. Natural Gas Storage, Pipe Line Ind., 43(6), 25-28.
  22. Wilson, C. R., and P. A. Witherspoon (1976), Flow interference effects at fracture intersections, Water Resour. Res., 12(1), 102-104. [PDF]
  23. Narasimhan, T. N., and P. A. Witherspoon (1976), An integrated finite difference method for analyzing fluid flow in porous media, Water Resour. Res., 12(1), 57-64. [PDF]
  24. Witherspoon, P. A., U. Lindblom, C. O. Morfeldt, and I. Janelid (1976), Gas storage in mined caverns, Underground Space, 1(1), 35-49.
  25. Tsang, C. F., C. B. Goranson, M. J. Lippmann, and P. A. Witherspoon (1977), Modeling Underground Storage In Aquifers Of Hot Water From Solar Power Systems, Proc Annu Meet - Am Sect Int Sol Energy Soc, 1, 5 pp.
  26. Gale, J. E., and P. A. Witherspoon (1977), Effect Of Fracture Deformation On Fluid Pressure Distribution - An Indicator Of Slope Instability, Can. Geotech. J., 14(3), 302-309.
  27. Neuman, S. P., T. N. Narasimhan, and P. A. Witherspoon (1977), Application Of Mixed Explicit-Implicit Finite Element Method To Nonlinear Diffusion-Type Problems, 1153-1186.
  28. Narasimhan, T. N., and P. A. Witherspoon (1977), Numerical model for saturated-unsaturated flow in deformable porous media: 1. Theory, Water Resour. Res., 13(3), 657-664. [PDF]
  29. Witherspoon, P. A., and J. E. Gale (1977), Mechanical and hydraulic properties of rocks related to induced seismicity, Eng. Geol., 11(1), 23-55. [LINK]
  30. Tsang, C. F., M. J. Lippmann, and P. A. Witherspoon (1978), Underground Aquifer Storage Of Hot Water From Solar Energy Collectors, 1, 490-495.
  31. Narasimhan, T. N., P. A. Witherspoon, and A. L. Edwards (1978), Numerical model for saturated-unsaturated flow in deformable porous media: 2. The algorithm, Water Resour. Res., 14(2), 255-261. [PDF]
  32. Narasimhan, T. N., and P. A. Witherspoon (1978), Numerical model for saturated unsaturated flow in deformable porous media: 3. Applications, Water Resour. Res., 14(6), 1017-1034. [PDF]
  33. Narasimhan, T. N., S. P. Neuman, and P. A. Witherspoon (1978), Finite element method for subsurface hydrology using a mixed explicit-implicit scheme, Water Resour. Res., 14(5), 863-877. [PDF]
  34. Witherspoon, P. A., T. N. Narasimhan, and D. G. McEdwards (1978), Results Of Interference Tests From Two Geothermal Reservoirs, J. Petrol. Technol., 30(1), 10-16.[LINK]
  35. Kunze, J. F., and P. A. Witherspoon (1978), Energy Extraction And Reservoir Management Of A Moderate Temperature Hydrothermal System, 68-76.
  36. Witherspoon, P. A., and O. Degerman (1978), Swedish-American Cooperative Program on Radioactive Waste Storage in Mined Caverns Program Summary. Report LBL-7049, 26 pp. [PDF]
  37. Narasimhan, T. N., and P. A. Witherspoon (1979), Geothermal Well Testing, J. Hydrol., 43, 537-553. [LINK]
  38. Witherspoon, P. A., C. H. Amick, J. E. Gale, and K. Iwai (1979), Observations of a potential size effect in experimental determination of the hydraulic properties of fractures, Water Resour. Res., 15(5), 1141-1146. [PDF]
  39. Javandel, I., and P. A. Witherspoon (1979), A study of partial penetration in a two-layered aquifer. I. Analytical solution, 25 pp. [PDF]
  40. Cook, N. G. W., J. E. Gale, and P. A. Witherspoon (1979), Waste Disposal In Granite: Preliminary Results From Stripa, Sweden, 19th Annual ASME Symposium: Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste, Albuquerque, NM, March 15-16, 1979, 8 pp. [PDF]
  41. Pruess, K., J. M. Zerzan, R. C. Schroeder, and P. A. Witherspoon (1979), Description Of The Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Simulator Shaft78 For Use In Geothermal Reservoir Studies, 1979 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME 5th Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, Denver, CO, 01/31-02/02/1979, 16 pp. [PDF]
  42. Chan, T., P. A. Witherspoon, and I. Javandel (1980), Heat Transfer In Underground Heating Experiments In Granite, Stripa, Sweden, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Technical Session on Heat Transfer in Nuclear Waste Disposal, Chicago, IL, November 16-21, 1980, 26 pp. [PDF]
  43. Lippman, M. J., and P. A. Witherspoon (1980), Summary of recent progress in understanding the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, Baja, California, Mexico, Presented at the Geothermal Conference of the Committee on Challenges of Modern Society, NATO, Paris, France, July 15, 1980, 15 pp.[PDF]
  44. Witherspoon, P. A. (1980), Measurement of macro- permeability in fractured, crystalline rocks, Stripa, Sweden, Bulletin, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Section III, 1, 53-61.
  45. Witherspoon, P. A., N. G. W. Cook, and J. E. Gale (1980), Geologic Storage Of Radioactive Waste - Results From Field Investigations At Stripa, Sweden, Proceedings of the Symposium on Waste Management, 2, 463-450.
  46. Javandel, I., and P. A. Witherspoon (1980), A semianalytical solution for partial penetration in two-layer aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 16(6), 1099-1106. [PDF]
  47. Witherspoon, P. A., J. S. Y. Wang, K. Iwai, and J. E. Gale (1980), Validity of Cubic Law for fluid flow in a deformable rock fracture, Water Resour. Res., 16(6), 1016-1024. [PDF]
  48. Long, J. C. S., P. A. Witherspoon, C. R. Wilson, and A. O. DuBois (1980), Large-Scale Permeability Testing At Stripa, 38-44. [PDF]
  49. Lippmann, M. J., G. S. Bodvarsson, P. A. Witherspoon, and J. Rivera (1980), Preliminary simulation studies related to the Cerro Prieto field, Geothermics, 9, 197-207.[LINK]
  50. Witherspoon, P. A., P. Nelson, T. Doe, R. Thorpe, B. Paulsson, J. Gale, and C. Forster (1980), Rock mass characterization for storage of nuclear waste in granite, IEEE T. Nucl. Sci., NS-27(4), 1280-1290. [LINK]
  51. Pruess, K., G. Bodvarsson, R. C. Schroeder, P. A. Witherspoon, R. Marconcini, G. Neri, and C. Ruffilli  (1980), Simulation Of The Depletion Of Two-Phase Geothermal Reservoirs, Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, 17 pp. [LINK]
  52. Witherspoon, P. A., and C. F. Tsang, (1981), The Role Of The National Laboratories In Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Proceedings Seventh Workshop Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, December 1981, 7-10. [PDF]
  53. Witherspoon, P. A., Y. W. Tsang, J. C. S. Long, and J. Noorishad (1981), New approaches to problems of fluid flow in fractured-rock masses.
  54. Mangold, D. C., C. F. Tsang, M. J. Lippmann, and P. A. Witherspoon (1981), Study Of A Thermal Discontinuity In Well Test Analysis, J. Petrol. Technol., 33(6), 1095-1105.
  55. Tsang, Y. W., and P. A. Witherspoon (1981), Hydromechanical behavior of a deformable rock fracture subject to normal stress, J. Geophys. Res., 86(B10), 9287-9298. [PDF]
  56. Witherspoon, P. A., N. G. W. Cook, and J. E. Gale (1981), Geologic storage of radioactive waste: Field studies in Sweden, Science, 211 (4485), 894-900. [LINK]
  57. Wang, J. S. Y., C. F. Tsang, N. G. W. Cook, and P. A. Witherspoon (1981), A study of regional temperature and thermohydrologic effects of an underground repository for nuclear wastes in hard rock, J. Geophys. Res., 86(B5), 3759-3770. [PDF]
  58. Tsang, Y. W., and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Correlations Between Fracture Roughness Characteristics And Fracture Mechanical And Fluid Flow Properties, Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics, 560-567.
  59. Narasimhan, T. N., and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Overview Of The Finite Element Method In Groundwater Hydrology, Finite Elements in Water Resources, Proceedings of the International Conference, 129-144.
  60. Witherspoon, P. A. (1982), Radioactive waste storage in mined caverns in crystalline rock - results of field investigations at Stripa, Sweden, 61 pp. [PDF]
  61. Witherspoon, P. A., and D. J. Watkins(1982), Radioactive Waste Disposal In Granite, Preprints - ASCE Convention and Exposition, 4 pp.
  62. Witherspoon, P. A., and J. E. Gale (1982), Hydrogeological testing to characterize a fractured granite, Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, 26-27(1), 515-526. [LINK]
  63. Gale, J. E., A. Rouleau, and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Hydrogeologic characteristics of a fractured granite (Stripa, Sweden), Papers of the groundwater in fractured rock conference, Canberra, 1982, (Australian Water Resources Council, Conference Series 5), 95-108.
  64. Bodvarsson, G. S., S. M. Benson, and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Theory of the development of geothermal systems charged by vertical faults, J. Geophys. Res., 87(B11), 9317-9328. [PDF]
  65. Wang, J. S. Y., C. F. Tsang, N. G. W. Cook, and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Long-term thermohydrologic behaviour of nuclear- waste repositories, Predictive geology with emphasis on nuclear-waste disposal, Proc. 1980, 101-115.
  66. Noorishad, J., M. S. Ayatollahi, and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), A finite-element method for coupled stress and fluid flow analysis in fractured rock masses, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min., 19, 185-193. [LINK]
  67. Long, J. C. S., J. S. Remer, C. R. Wilson, and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Porous media equivalents for networks of discontinuous fractures, Water Resour. Res., 18(3), 645-658. [PDF]
  68. Javandel, I., and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Pressure-transient testing with a partially penetrating well in a two layer reservoir, LBL-14118, 9 pp. [PDF]
  69. Pruess, K., G. S. Bodvarsson, R. C. Schroeder, and P. A. Witherspoon (1982), Model Studies Of The Depletion Of Two-Phase Geothermal Reservoirs, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 22(2), 280-290.
  70. Tsang, Y. W., and P. A. Witherspoon (1983), The dependence of fracture mechanical and fluid flow properties on fracture roughness and sample size, J. Geophys. Res., 88(B3), 2359-2366. [PDF]
  71. Javandel, I., and P. A. Witherspoon(1983), Analytical solution of a partially penetrating well in a two-layer aquifer, Water Resour. Res., 19(2), 567-578. [PDF]
  72. Lippmann, M. J., N. E. Goldstein, S. E. Halfman, and P. A. Witherspoon (1983), Exploration And Development Of The Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, 16 pp. [LINK]
  73. Wilson, C. R., P. A. Witherspoon, J. C. S. Long, R. M. Galbraith, A. O. DuBois, and M. J. McPherson (1983), Large-scale hydraulic conductivity measurements in fractured granite, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min., 20(6), 269-276. [LINK]
  74. Verma, A. K., K. Pruess, G. S. Bodvarsson, C. F. Tsang, and P. A. Witherspoon (1983), Design and development of a test facility to study two-phase steam/water flow in porous media, Proceedings Ninth Workshop Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, December 1983, 443-448. [PDF]
  75. Narasimhan, T. N., B. Y. Kanehiro, and P. A. Witherspoon (1984), Interpretation of earth tide response of three deep, confined aquifers, J. Geophys. Res., 89(B3), 1913-1924. [PDF]
  76. Noorishad, J., C. F. Tsang, and P. A. Witherspoon (1984), Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Phenomena In Saturated Fractured Porous Rocks: Numerical Approach, J. Geophys. Res., 89(B12), 10365-10373. [PDF]
  77. Noorishad, J., and P. A. Witherspoon (1984), Can injection tests reveal the potential for fault movements?, Pure Appl. Geophys., 122, 608-618. [LINK]
  78. Endo, H. K., J. C. S. Long, C. R. Wilson, and P. A. Witherspoon (1984), A Model for Investigating Mechanical Transport in Fracture Networks, Water Resour. Res., 20(10), 1390-1400. [PDF]
  79. Long, J. C. S., P. Gilmour, and P. A. Witherspoon (1985), A Model for Steady Fluid Flow in Random Three-Dimensional Networks of Disc-Shaped Fractures, Water Resour. Res., 21(8), 1105-1115. [PDF]
  80. Verma, A. K., K. Pruess, C. F. Tsang, and P. A. Witherspoon (1985), Study Of Two-Phase Concurrent Flow Of Steam And Water In An Unconsolidated Porous Medium, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, 46, 135-143.
  81. Witherspoon, P. A. (1986), Flow of groundwater in fractured rocks, Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, 34, 103-115. [LINK]
  82. Witherspoon, P. A., and I. Javandel (1986), Hydrology of Brine Disposal in Caprock of Barbers Hill Salt Dome, Chambers County, Texas, 147-149. [PDF]
  83. Lai, C. H., G. S. Bodvarsson, and P. A. Witherspoon (1986), Second-Order Upwind Differencing Method For Nonisothermal Chemical Transport In Porous Media, Numer. Heat Transfer, 9(4), 453-471.
  84. Witherspoon, P. A., and K. Pruess (1988), Environmental heat transfer in porous media, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, 104(3), 17-24.
  85. Karasaki, K., J. C. S. Long, and P. A. Witherspoon (1988), New Analytic Model For Fracture-Dominated Reservoirs, SPE Formation Eval., 3(1), 242-250.
  86. Karasaki, K., J. C. S. Long, and P. A. Witherspoon (1988), Analytical models of slug tests, Water Resour. Res., 24(1), 115-126. [PDF]
  87. Javandel, I., C. F. Tsang, P. A. Witherspoon, and D. Morganwalp (1988), Hydrologic detection of abandoned wells near proposed injection wells for hazardous waste disposal, Water Resour. Res., 24(2), 261-270. [PDF]
  88. Persoff, P., C. J. Radke, K. Pruess, S. M. Benson, and P. A. Witherspoon (1989), Laboratory investigation of foam flow in sandstone at elevated pressure, 365-378.
  89. Falta, R. W., I. Javandel, K. Pruess, and P. A. Witherspoon (1989), Density-driven flow of gas in the unsaturated zone due to the evaporation of volatile organic compounds, Water Resour. Res., 25(10), 2159-2169. [PDF]
  90. Wu, Y-S., K. Pruess, and P. A. Witherspoon (1990), Flow and displacement of Bingham non-Newtonian fluids in porous media, SPE Reservoir Eng., 369-351. [LINK]
  91. Chen, Z., G. S. Bodvarsson, and P. A. Witherspoon (1990), Integral equation formulation for two-phase flow and other nonlinear flow problems through porous media, Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Gamma, 447-457.
  92. Wu, Y.-S., K. Pruess, and P. A. Witherspoon (1991), Displacement of a Newtonian fluid by a non-Newtonian fluid in a porous medium, Transport Porous Med., 6, 115-142. [LINK]
  93. Persoff, P., C. J. Radke, K. Pruess, S. M. Benson, and P. A. Witherspoon (1991), Laboratory investigation of foam flow in sandstone at elevated pressure, SPE Reservoir Eng., 6(3), 365-372.
  94. Witherspoon, P. A., ed., (1991), Geological Problems in Radioactive Waste Isolation: A World Wide Review. Report LBL-29703.
  95. Noorishad, J., C. F. Tsang, and P. A. Witherspoon (1992), Theoretical and field studies of coupled hydromechanical behaviour of fractured rocks-1. Development and verification of a numerical simulator, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min., 29(4), 401-409. [LINK]
  96. Volkov, Y. I., A. I. Meka, Y. V. Ponomarenko, P. A. Witherspoon, and J. E. Gale (1992), Groundwater control in open pit mines in the Kursk region of the Soviet Union 1992, CIM Bull., 85(959), 58-62.
  97. Faybishenko, B. A., I. Javandel, and P. A. Witherspoon (1995), Hydrodynamics of the capture zone of a partially penetrating well in a confined aquifer, Water Resour. Res., 31(4), 859-866. [PDF]
  98. Shan, C., I. Javandel, and P. A. Witherspoon (1995), Characterization of leaky faults: Study of water flow in aquifer-fault-aquifer systems, Water Resour. Res., 31(12), 2897-2904. [PDF]
  99. Chen, Z.-X., G. S. Bodvarsson, P. A. Witherspoon, and Y. C. Yortsos (1995), An integral equation formulation for the unconfined flow of groundwater with variable inlet conditions, Trans. Porous Med., 18, 15-36. [LINK]
  100. Witherspoon, P. A., ed., (1996), Geological Problems in Radioactive Waste Isolation: Second Worldwide Review, Report LBL-38915. [PDF]
  101. Huang, P., G. Yang, L. Myen, N. Cook, and P. A. Witherspoon (1997), Simulation of capillary pressure hysteresis in drainage and imbibition process, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min., 34.
  102. Schlueter, E. M., R. W. Zimmerman, P. A. Witherspoon, and N. G. W. Cook (1997), The fractal dimension of pores in sedimentary rocks and its influence on permeability, Eng. Geol., 48, 199-215. [LINK]
  103.  Shan, C., I. Javandel, and P. A. Witherspoon (1999), Characterization of leaky faults: Study of air flow in faulted vadose zones, Water Resour. Res., 35(7), 2007-2013. [PDF]
  104. Witherspoon, P. A. (2000), The Stripa project, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min., 37, 385-396.[LINK]
  105. Faybishenko, B., P. A. Witherspoon, C. Doughty, J. Geller, T. Wood, and R. Podgorney (2001), Multi-Scale Investigations of Liquid Flow in a Fractured Basalt Vadose Zone, in AGU Monograph “Flow and Transport Through Unsaturated Fractured Rock,” Second Edition, D.D. Evans, T.J. Nicholson, and T. Rassmusen (eds.), 161-182. [PDF]
  106. Witherspoon, P. A., and G. S. Bodvarsson, eds. (2001), Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation: Third Worldwide Review, Report LBNL-49767. [PDF]
  107. Faybishenko, B., G. S. Bodvarsson, J. Hinds and, P. A. Witherspoon (2003), Scaling and hierarchy of models for flow processes in unsaturated fractured rock, Chapter 20 in the book “Scaling Methods in Soil Physics, ” Eds. Y. A. Pachepsky, D. E. Radcliffe and H. M. Selim, CRC Press LLC, pp. 373-417. [PDF]
  108. Faybishenko, B., P. A. Witherspoon, G. S. Bodvarsson, and J. Gale (2005), Emerging Issues in Fractured-Rock Flow and Transport Investigations: Introduction and Overview. In: Dynamics of Fluids and Transport in Fractured Rock, Eds.: B. Faybishenko, P. A. Witherspoon and J. Gale, pp. 1-11. [PDF]
  109. Witherspoon, P. A., and G. S. Bodvarsson, eds. (2006), Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation: Fourth Worldwide Review, Report LBNL-59808.


  1. Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock, Volume 122, Boris Faybishenko (Editor), Paul A. Witherspoon (Editor), Sally M. Benson (Editor), ISBN: 978-0-87590-980-6, 400 pp., January 2000, American Geophysical Union.
  2. Dynamics of Fluids and Transport in Fractured Rock, Volume 162, Boris Faybishenko (Editor), Paul A. Witherspoon (Editor), John Gale (Editor), ISBN: 978-0-87590-427-6, 207 pp., January 2005, American Geophysical Union.
  3. Fluid Dynamics in Complex Fractured-Porous Systems, Boris Faybishenko (Editor), Sally M. Benson (Editor), John E. Gale (Editor), ISBN: 978-1-118-87720-3, 264 pp., July 2015, American Geophysical Union.


  1. A conversation between Paul Witherspoon and Allan Freeze, University of California Berkeley, Oct 30, 2007. [LINK]