Ecohydrology - Events and Announcements

Ecohydrology social events at AGU 2024

The Ecohydrology Technical Committee has multiple social events happening next week at the AGU Fall Meeting 2024:

  • A social meetup on MONDAY, DEC. 9th at 6:00 PM at the Lobby Bar of the Marriott Marquis, just a couple of minutes away from the conference center. Join other ecohydrologists to catch up with old friends and make new ones! 
  • Lunch meetups every day Tuesday through Friday from 12:30 to 1:30: grab lunch and sit and chat with other ecohydrologists in one of the pods we have reserved. This is a great opportunity for students and early-career scientists to meet senior people in the field! Sign up for a  slot here (limited space in the pods):

All the Ecohydrology-related events for the AGU Fall Meeting 2024 are summarized HERE!


Ecohydrology sponsored sessions at AGU 2024

The Ecohydrology Technical Committee has two official sponsored sessions at the AGU Fall Meeting 2024:

  • Frontiers in Ecohydrology
    • H33I Frontiers in Ecohydrology I Poster: Wednesday, Dec. 11th 1:40 to 5:30PM, Hall B-C (Convention Center)
    • H41C Frontiers in Ecohydrology II Oral: Thursday, Dec. 12th, 8:30-10:00AM, 145B (Convention Center)
    • H42F Frontiers in Ecohydrology III Oral: Thursday, Dec. 12th, 10:20-10:00AM, 145B (Convention Center)
  • Urban Environmental Interactions: People, Plants, and Water in the Built Environment
    • H43P Urban Environmental Interactions: People, Plants, and Water in the Built Environment I Poster: Thursday, Dec. 12th, 1:40 to 5:30PM, Hall B-C (Convention Center)
    • H53W Urban Environmental Interactions: People, Plants, and Water in the Built Environment II Oral: Friday Dec. 13th, 2:10-3:40PM, 147 A (Convention Center)
    • H54F Urban Environmental Interactions: People, Plants, and Water in the Built Environment II Oral: Friday Dec. 13th, 4:00-5:30PM, 147 A (Convention Center)

Looking forward to seeing you all in Washington D.C. for some exciting science!


Tiny Grants 2024 now open!

The Ecohydrology Tiny Grants program is now accepting applications until November 3rd 2024. Please check our Tiny Grants page for more information!


Congratulations to Ecohydrologist Naomi Tague

Christina (Naomi) Tague | The Current
Ecohydrologist and and former Ecohydro TC member Christina (Naomi) Tague has been named a 2024 AGU Fellow! This prestigious recognition is awarded to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to earth and space sciences.
Professor Tague’s scientific contributions have gained international recognition for her cutting-edge research in hydrology, ecohydrology, watershed modeling, and scientific visualization – and she has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. Her work bridges the fields of hydrology, ecology, environmental science, eco-informatics, and art, bringing together researchers and policymakers to solve real-world problems.
This award not only recognizes her outstanding scientific and professional achievements but also her dedication to advancing the field of ecohydrology and making a lasting impact on environmental science. Congratulations Naomi!