Dear Colleagues,
My fellow conveners and I hope you will consider submitting an abstract to this interdisciplinary session at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Washington, D.C., December 8-13. The abstract due date is July 31, 2024. Please share this session description with your colleagues who may be interested in sharing their work.
B078 - Physical, Chemical, and Ecological Impacts of Fire and Flooding on Landscapes
Submit an Abstract to this Session
Hazards arising from climate change, including prolonged drought, increased incidence and size of fires and flooding, affect the urban-wildland corridor, mine lands, and other natural resources. This session seeks to draw from expertise in remote sensing, natural hazards, geochemistry, watershed biogeochemistry, hydrology, ecotoxicology, and data synthesis, to define how fire, drought, and flood impact the wildland-urban corridor, legacy mine land remediation, and soil and ecosystem services. Along with experimental approaches, we welcome studies that utilize multi-temporal remote sensing, landcover change detection and/or incorporation of multispectral/hyperspectral mapping of vegetation and underlying geologic materials. Studies integrating perspectives from multiple disciplines are encouraged.