Earth and Planetary Surface Processes

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AGU24 H125: Streams as Windows to Understanding Critical Zone Response to Disturbances – Call for abstracts

  • 1.  AGU24 H125: Streams as Windows to Understanding Critical Zone Response to Disturbances – Call for abstracts

    Posted 07-08-2024 17:02

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    Are you working on the impact of disturbances on catchment processes? We invite you to present your work in the session "Streams as windows to understanding critical zone response to disturbances". 

    Invited speakers:

                     Prof Erin Hotchkiss (Virginia Tech)

                     Ally Jacoby (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)

    Session link (31st July, 2024 deadline): 

    Session description:        

    In the Anthropocene, disturbances related to climate, land use, and land cover changes are becoming more prevalent globally, initiating a cascade of changes in hydrologic regimes and biogeochemical processes. However, these tightly interwoven processes are difficult to observe directly and often require interdisciplinary knowledge to understand. Streams integrate processes that occur within the Critical Zone (top of canopies to bedrock) and can therefore provide information about changes in biogeochemical reactions and fluid pathways. This session will highlight contributions from studies that leverage stream data to advance understanding of Critical Zone processes and their response to disturbances. While catchment-scale studies highlight the importance of site-specific conditions, we also encourage submissions from regional, global, and multiscale studies that identify large-scale controls and connections between catchment-scale processes and regional/global scale patterns. We invite submissions from a range of approaches, such as data analysis, experimentation, machine learning techniques, and/or modeling across scales.


    Bryn Stewart

    Kayalvizhi Sadayappan

    Devon Kerins

    Elizabeth Andrews